Rabu, 17 Agustus 2011

The primary driver of the grocerant niche is Mix and Match quality food bundled as components.

Regular readers of this blog know customization is a key element within meal planning. Bundled meal components allowing and promoting consumer choice are critical elements for a successful meal. . Meal time is now becoming a time of convenient meal participation, with differentiation and individualization for the entire family.

In a recent study conducted by Technomic for American Express, they found that “four out of five consumers (82%) report that it is somewhat or extremely important that they be able customize their meals at sandwich-specific LSRs (limited service restaurants). Chains such as Subway have built their reputation on allowing customers to more or less create their won sandwiches, so it’s logical that customization would be deemed most important in such restaurants.

Roughly three fifths of consumers indicate that customization is important to them at burger (61%), Mexican (59%) and bakery-café (57%) LSRs, and about half note the same for chicken (53%) and Asian/noodle (48%) LSRs. In all cases, women are much more likely that men to consider the opportunity for customization an important attribute.

Companies that utilize Foodservice Solutions® 5 P’s of food marketing: Product, Packaging, Placement, Portability and Price; will understand success can be found within the grocerant niche. Building top line sales and bottom line profits when they roll out an integrated grocerant niche food program with distinctive differentiated food consumables as an entity with identity by day part.

Since 1991 retail food consultancy Foodservice Solutions® of Tacoma, WA has been the global leader in the Grocerant niche for more on Foodservice Solutions® Bing or Google Grocerants or visit http://www.linkedin.com/in/grocerant, twitter.com/grocerant Email: grocerant@q.com

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